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Additional Resources from Our Amazing Instructors & Partners

Resource From Typeform

Market Research: The Ultimate How-To Guide

Curious about market research? There's lots of noise out there on the topic. But no fear, this guide is all you need!

Resource From Makerpad

Course: From idea to online business in 5 weeks

By building without code, you can eliminate the immediate need for developers, plus save yourself time and $1000s

Resource From Albert Wenger

How to Start a Startup: From Idea to Innovation

Curious about starting a startup? Join Union Square Ventures Managing Partner Albert Wenger for a comprehensive, introductory primer into everything you need to know! 

Resource From Allyson Van Houten, Sr. Marketing Manager, Mailchimp

Getting Started with Email Marketing | Learn with Mailchimp

Join Mailchimp´s Allyson Van Houten and learn how to craft an email marketing strategy that helps you - the small business owners, freelancers, and startup teams - accomplish your business goals. 

Resource From Dribbble

Course: Launch your Product Design career in just 12 weeks!

Something about how this is amazing and changed my life and how awesome all of these amazing education things are. 

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Market Research: The Ultimate How-To Guide

Course: From idea to online business in 5 weeks

How to Start a Startup: From Idea to Innovation

Getting Started with Email Marketing | Learn with Mailchimp

Course: Launch your Product Design career in just 12 weeks!

Ben Tossell

Nick Simard

David Adkin

Ilia Markov

Marisa Montaldi

Ilia Markov

Marisa Montaldi

Aoife Dunne

Max Haining

Damiano Redemagni